I cant trust my husband and lost intrest in life

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    • #72598 Reply

      Plz analyse my horoscope for married life issues and progeny. we are having too many issues and lost interest in life.

      My dob: 16-3-1988 at 7.05 pm Vijayawada

      husband details: 11-5-1988, 8.30 Am, Mirialguda telangana.

      We are currently living abroad and my husband will lose job next month. Also curently we are having visa tensions and I dont want to come back to India as my husband’s house is full of problems as divorce case running for his sister and other sister staying close and always my MIL does something to disturb and torture me i am very much vexed with her. My husbands bros married life is also at stake and total family is bad. please tell when will divorce happen for us?

    • #72734 Reply

      Dear Beauty,

      Its true that most of Your Planets are not producing very good results.

      Its not only your MIL, but planetary placement shows You too also quite quarrelsome and having nonadjustable nature. Due to presence of malefics in 4th house, You are likely to loose Your peace of mind in domestic matter. So, Its make sense that staying far from them would be better as far as your domestic life is concerned.
      Presently You are running Saturn Mahadasha, Saturn is in Moola Nakshtra, ruls 5th ad 6th house and in 4th house, so, that is the reason You are loosing interest in everything. Planetary placements says, You are not having proper Physical intimacy as well. Did You have a Love Marriage?

      What is the exact reason you want a divorce?

      Astrologer Sourav


    • #72741 Reply
      JVS (KP astrologer)

      Madam Beauty
      The name you have given indicates that you always have high hopes and will not relish other’s ideas. You think that you are more practical and methodical. Good.
      Your marriage has taken place around in 2010. Your marriage is a love marriage.
      In Nov Dec 2018, Next month I hope your husband changes the job and goes to a distant place. don’t worry.
      Good Luck

    • #72742 Reply
      JVS (KP astrologer)

      Your husband is a nice gentleman with a calm and cool nature. Very disciplined. You will have children.

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