I'm frustrated with my Health & Life- advice me

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    • #28346 Reply

      Hello Guruji,
      this is my first question to astrology after very frustrated from my Health.
      Someone suggestion me your site to ask the question to get a solution of the problem.

      From before 4-5 year I’m very depressed, don’t know why, every time body have different disies, 1 disease complete then other new diseases wake up from my body, What to do i’m feeling to suicide due to disease, from last 1-2 new diseases wake up in my body & still suffering from that, not able to sleep in night diseases name is vertigo.

      Please help me to get solve problem, my last Hope on you sir

      My detail is – 10 Jan- 1987, 3:50 AM, Neemuch, MP
      My daughter – 28-Sept -2013, 10:50 AM, Udaipur rajasthan
      My Husband – 14-March-1985, 2:15 PM, Udaipur rajasthan

    • #28351 Reply

      It is serious mental problem due to some diseases nerves.
      YOu try leaf juice method or holistic healing method.
      Read in google-kumrao99 holistic healing.
      YOu have to avoid milk products,sweets,sweet fruits,nonveg,fish,
      eggs and dry fruits for two months.
      You can eat food items relating to rice and wheat,with curries.
      Every morning on empty stomach, you have to drink unfiltered juice of 30
      coriander leaves,15 pudina leaves,15 tulsi leaves,10gms of
      ginger and 15 gms of bitter gourd.
      Try this method initially for 10days.If there is 5%improvement,
      you can try 2months.

    • #28365 Reply

      JVS RAO Sir, Navneet sir, TMR sir, can you help me please

    • #28388 Reply
      J V S RAO

      Dear Anuja
      Vertigo is not a problem in these days as there is treatment in Homeopathy, Allopathy etc. Vertigo is not at all a mental problem, but a problem in the inner ear which sends signals to brain about head and body movements to help you to keep balance. That is why reeling sensation to you. So don’t worry. You will recover. You have a long life.
      If you have faith, discuss with your family about homeopathy, use it along with allopathy. Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu will give relief through homeopathy.
      Your dasa lord Rahu is in 5th house (house of recovery) aspected by Saturn from lagna. Hence recovery is not denied, but slowly you will get complete receovery.
      Good Luck
      JVS Rao

    • #28389 Reply

      Dear Anuja Ji,

      Basic Analysis of You Natal Chart shows that, The Lord Moon, planet responsible for Mental Happiness, mind and Sleeping pattern is in 6th house and is also very weak. Moon is in Aries Sign, Kritthika Nakshatra. Mars is quite strong. Venus being the Lord of 12th house of Hospitalization and unnecessary expenses is in Lagna and afflicting lagna. Mercury, representing nerve system is closely combust by Sun and so it is loosing a very good amount of strength. SO, All these issues are coming.
      So, You are likely to face lot of Health issues through out your Life.

      1. You must perform a Maha Mrityanjay Yaggya through an honest Website.
      2. You shall wear a Moonstone of 5 carats to 6.5 carats or an Australian Pearl of 3 carats to 4 carats on Left hand little finger.
      3. You shall Perform a Grahashanti Yaggya for Mercury and Grahashanti yaggya for Venus with immediate effect from any honest astrology website.

      Avail my paid Report at : shivaastrology1369@gmail.com

    • #28391 Reply

      12th lord is in Lagna and 8th lord is combust, which denotes prolonged illness.

    • #28392 Reply

      As you are already facing serious health problems,
      you much come to an opinion that there must be something
      wrong in your horoscope.
      If you want any astrological explanation,
      your lagna owner Kuja is with Rahu.
      Further ,Sani is in lagna.
      These things indicate that you got
      lot of negativity from your previous birth.

      YOu have to do one or two of the following remedies
      for one year.
      1.Penance means observing fast for one day in a week.
      On the day of fast ,you can eat uncooked vegetables,for
      two months.
      After two months,you have to fast for one day in a week,
      by drinking diluted lemon juice with honey.You can drink
      lemon juice(diluted) with honey ,daily 10 or 12 times.
      Prime minister Modi was doing fast for the last 30 years,
      for two days continuously in every week.
      Likewise,Mahatma Gandhi’s greatness and popularity was
      attributed to his fasting for longer periods of 20days in every
      year,in addition to small fasts very frequently.

      2.Second remedy-colour ray method(instead of gemstones)
      In paper shops,celliphone paper sheets are sold at the
      price of rs10 for one sheet.Purchase a yellow sheet of
      celliphone paper.You make it 4 pieces,each measuring
      6inches x 4inches.
      Then you place one piece of yellow sheet(6inches x 4 inches)
      on your face at a distance of one inch from your face,for
      3mins.You have to close your eyes and stand before sun
      after 8am or 9am ,when the sun is bright.
      Sun rays will pass through yellow paper and enter your face.
      This is divine light which reduces planetary evils.
      You can keep yellow paper for 3 days and give a break
      for 3 days.Again you can apply yellow light for 3 days.
      Like this ,you can continue for 3months.
      3.Feed birds and animals.
      4.Do daily 10 rolling namaskars on floor.
      It is called Anga pradakshinams.
      Ask any senior priest of temple its meaning.
      5.Whenever there is rain,you can sit in rain for
      3 or 5 mins.
      6.(If you are married)You have to do sex once in two months.
      YOur semen quality decides your prana( will power ) strength.
      Semen works as a shield against so many bad influences.
      Celibacy is called Brahma charya in upanishads.
      Brahma means God or semen.Charya means protection.
      Your semen is your God.
      The above are the methods of penance.
      7.Another method of penance is sitting in a tub filled with
      cold water ,until the level of your navel.
      In ancient times,saints used to stand in water lake upto
      a waist level.
      Such a penance is simplified,by sitting in a tube.
      Purchase a plastic tub with a diameter of 3feet and height
      of seven inches.
      It will cost rs 400. You have to sit in the tub with cold water,
      but keep the feet outside the tub.
      Daily you can sit in tub water for 10 mins or 15 mins.
      It will raise kundalini and remove your sins of past life.


    • #28401 Reply

      Thank you all sir,
      @ J V S RAO sir -my disease is not fixed on different different time different disease wake up in my body. which planet is responsible for this any astrological remedies to cure.

      @ Shiva sir – If my moon in 6th house then wear Pearl beneficial or it increase harm effect

      Thank you for helping me, I really want to solve my all health related issue

    • #28402 Reply

      Dear Anuja Ji,

      Moon is Your Yoga Karaka Planet. It is very weak and You shall wear the gemstone. Try wearing and check if Your Sleep improves, negative feelings reduces and peace of mind increases.

      Start wearing a Jyothish Quality – Moonstone . It will cost You 10k – 15k . You can use it and try it. If You don’t believe my words, can remove it after 3 months.

      Australian Pearl costs 2 lakh to 3 Lakh, so, wear a Moonstone and then give the feedback. Then You can upgrade it to Australian Pearl.

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