Your lagna is Kanya.
Lagna contains Guru and Sani.
Sani is neecha in navamsa.
Fourth house contains Kethu.
8th house contains Kuja,Sukra and Ravi.
Ravi is uchcha.
Kuja is in his own house.
This combination in 8th house is bad.
9th house contains Moon and Budha.
Moon is exalted.This combination is very good.
It shows that your father’s financial status is
very good.
Rahu is in 10th house.Very good.
You were running Rahu maha dasa upto November 2016.
It was good.
You are running Guru maha dasa since Nov 2016.
The present period is good.
But your horoscope has got negative combinations
So,you will face ups and downs during Guru period.
It runs upto 2035.
So,you can decide yourself.
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