Is my son’s life in danger?

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    • #137413 Reply

      I am of Sagittarius ascendence and in my Kundali, Guru is in my 5th house (alone). I came to know recently that this puts the life of my son in danger. Is this true? If yes, any remedies that can be done for it?

      Please note, he is a healthy and a happy 4 year old boy. But this thought is not leaving my mind and I need some assurance or guidance on this matter.

      My DOB: July 10, 1987
      Jamnagar, Gujarat (18:15 hours)

      Son’s DOB: Feb 19, 2019
      Altamonte Springs, Florida, USA (14:43 hours)

      Husband’s DOB: Jan 23, 1983
      Delhi (4:20 hours)

    • #137445 Reply

      Can someone please respond to my query?

    • #137454 Reply


      I’ve had a chance to cast birth-charts and assess planetary positions them. Below is my understanding at a very high-level:

      1. Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in your son’s birth-chart is placed very close to Mrityu Bhaga and within the fatal Trimsamsa degrees… rendering Udaya Lagna or Ascendent week. The little one has a weak physical constitution and perhaps low level resilience or immunity. He is in the midst of Venus/Shukra Maha-Dasha, who is placed in the 7th house and closely conjunct Saturn/Shani-dev.

      2. Your husband’s birth-chart seems to reflect Jupiter/Guru-dev placed alongside Udaya Lagna is aspecting the 5th house of Putra-Sthana… perhaps protecting and providing the much needed relief. Incidentally, He has recently started Maha-Dasha of Rahu, activating Lagna Lord Mars/Kuja (who is placed close to Mrithyu Bhaga and within the fatal Trimsamsa degrees. And, upcoming transits might to put unwanted stress on his son.

      3. In your birth-chart, it is true that Jupiter/Guru-dev the Putra-Karaka is placed in the 5th house of Purta-Sthana and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ashwini Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu. Likewise, Venus/Shukra the Kalathra-Karaka is placed in the 7th house of Kalathra-Sthana. Along with that Mercury/Budha, the 7th lord of Kalathra-Sthana is placed in his Swasthana in Gemini/Mithuna Rashi, along with Sun/Ravi.

      Considering the concept of Karaka-Bhava-Nashaya, folk would have cautioned you about your son. But then, it does not necessarily mean your son’s life is in danger. It can mean a number of different things… for instance, placement of Venus/Shukra also calls for validation of the same concept. To make it interesting, he is placed in Gemini/Mithuna Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ardra Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu. In fact, Mercury/Budha the 7th lord is Vakra or Retrograde. He seems to be powerfully placed in his Swasthana of Gemini/Mithuna Rashi. But then, he is not really happy or comfortable being placed there for related significance and can be detrimental for the same. Apart from that there is also the concept called Kendradipathya Dosha. His placement calls for validation of that concept. So, it would perhaps make sense for those folk to have cautioned about your marital bond and spousal relationship.

      Incidentally, you are currently in the midst of 5th & 12th lord Mars/Kuja Maha-Dasha. He is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation in the 8th house of Randra-Sthana. His aspect on the 2nd house is not preferred. To make matters worse, low-profile miscreants Mandi and Gulika are with place there as well. All said and done, his placement is creating a Viparita Raja Yoga…and possibilities of unearned income/windfall (which could again mean different things).

      Take care…

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