In the horoscope of your friend we get to see that Venus rules the 7th house , which is the house of marriage. Venus is posited in the 12th house and combust due to its closeness with the Sun. Venus is also the karka for marriage therefore weak Venus only weakens the marriage aspect in her chart. Rahu is posited in the 3rd house and Rahu aspects the 7th house. 6th house which is the house of legal troubles is ruled by Mars and Mars is posited in the 7th house indicating possibility of legal troubles on the marital front. Jupiter the karka for husband is close to the Rahu/ Ketu axis. There Yes her horoscope is weak on the Marital front. A proper Horoscope matching is suggested for happy marital life. As a proper horoscope matching can bring her marital happiness.
Navneet Khanna