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Online Magazine on Vedic Astrology
I’m stay at home person. I want to start my career. when it is going to be possible for me?.
2:45 a:m female
Lahore, Pakistan
You have to come through Paid consultation for answering such queries.
Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in your is placed in Simha/Leo Rashi. You are currently in Mercury/Budha Maha-Dasha from August 2012 and Antara of Rahu from (as per Vimsottari Dasha System).
Mercury/Budha is strongly placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation in Kanya Rashi, making you an intelligent person. But then, he is in close conjunction with Saturn/Shani-dev, making you somebody who thinks before speaking and perhaps a little slow in in speech/response.
Current time is as good as any for anything unconventional… more so related to Venus/Shukra, like something associated with say fashion industry (although I’m not sure how much of a scope exists at your location) etc. Subsequent Antara is that of Jupiter/Guru-dev who seems to have barely crossed over to Tula/Libra Rashi, He is neither happy nor comfortable being placed in the 3rd house of courage/proactiveness etc. He in combination with Moon/Chandra has probably made you a bit tentative/timid/shy and introvert by nature. You’ll need to overcome such (if any) inhibitions.
Take care…
thank you buddy. My interest is in baking. Is this line is suitable for me?.
Sure… why not? Go for it and give it your best shot…
Take care…