Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in your is placed in Simha/Leo Rashi. You are currently in Mercury/Budha Maha-Dasha from August 2012 and Antara of Rahu from (as per Vimsottari Dasha System).
Mercury/Budha is strongly placed in his Uccha-Sthana or sign of exaltation in Kanya Rashi, making you an intelligent person. But then, he is in close conjunction with Saturn/Shani-dev, making you somebody who thinks before speaking and perhaps a little slow in in speech/response.
Current time is as good as any for anything unconventional… more so related to Venus/Shukra, like something associated with say fashion industry (although I’m not sure how much of a scope exists at your location) etc. Subsequent Antara is that of Jupiter/Guru-dev who seems to have barely crossed over to Tula/Libra Rashi, He is neither happy nor comfortable being placed in the 3rd house of courage/proactiveness etc. He in combination with Moon/Chandra has probably made you a bit tentative/timid/shy and introvert by nature. You’ll need to overcome such (if any) inhibitions.
Take care…