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    • #27703 Reply

      dob 8/10/1992
      place thane Maharashtra india
      time 6.15 pm

      i m not finding any relevant job opportunities in legal field.
      whether i should change the field for finding job or should stay on legal field only???

      i have comnpleted my LLB last year.

    • #27704 Reply


    • #27759 Reply
      JVS RAO

      In the first attempt you can not get what you want. You have to put repeated efforts until you succeed. Saturn is in the star of Moon. This is called punarphoo dosha as per KP astrology.
      Saturn is signifying 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 12th bhavas as sublord of these cusps without any planet occupying his stars. As Saturn in Moon star in 11th there would be postponements in 1st(self effort), 3rd(inclination to one subject), 4th(education), 6th(service), 7th(marriage), 9th(higher education), 10th(profession, reputation) and 12th(success in new environment).
      After 26-10-2017 you will get a legal job in a Government department, which will not give you satisfaction.
      JVS Rao

    • #27766 Reply

      SIr, Can you please tell me about my life partner? whether he will be from friends, family or totally unknown??

    • #27771 Reply
      JVS RAO

      The boy comes from a family already known to you in the same locality. He is not related to you. He may be your friend.
      JVS Rao

    • #27775 Reply

      Whethr my marital life will be happening or full of sorrows? I m little worried abt my marital lyf..

    • #27777 Reply
      JVS RAO

      In your life Sat being 7th sub lord, 6h sub lord and 12th sub lord is connected to 11th house. Sat is in the sub of Mercury in 7th. So there would be no separation from your husband. You will be under the same roof. Saturn being in Moon star your conjugal relationship will be there, but not to your satisfaction. You will enjoy with your husband.
      JVS Rao

    • #27781 Reply

      Dear Dhanshree Ji,

      Sun is afflicting 1st house and 7th house. Mercury, being the lord of 7th house is weak. Only Venus is good. Jupiter is also okay. So, Problems are Indicated in Married life, but shall be saved by the grace of Jupiter.

      Fore More details and deep analysis contact me at

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