Job/Career Progress

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    • #134769 Reply

      I got promoted to Dir level in March 2015. I moved jobs in Dec 2017 hoping for career growth, but that was a disaster. Then I found another job at the Dir level in Sep 2018. I have been stuck at the same level since then. Twice my colleagues have been promoted and made my manager.

      My current manager acknowledges that my work is excellent. So it is not a lack of hard work (definitely not since 2021). People with smaller scopes are sitting with more significant titles of Sr. Dir and VP in my team. But I somehow cannot even make it to Sr. Dir.

      Am I doomed to be a Dir forever?
      What is in my past karma that is coming in the way of my progress?
      I know the basics of astrology, so please explain transparently without giving me hope. (I have a heart of steel). Below are my birth Details

      23 Dec 1971, 11:55 PM, Sindri (was in Bihar earlier, maybe now in Jharkhand)


    • #134772 Reply


      At your age, I’m sure you’ve seen and experienced enough to realize it is not just one’s  capability that contributes to success in various aspects of life. In reality, luck and good fortune plays a significant role – specially since you mention Karma and knowledge of astrology.

      In your case, you were running a long Maha-Dasha of Lagna Lord and benefic Mercury/Budha from later part of 2005 until later part of 2022. You seem to have gotten promoted every time the combination of Mercury/Budha and Jupiter were activated… not to mention the strong Raja-Yoga during those time.

      Now, you’ve started Maha-Dasha of Ketu and more importantly, you are in the midst of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. Hence, your current situation.

      Take care…

    • #134781 Reply

      Thanks Buddy.
      What explains the rough patch between Dec 2017-Jan 2020 (sade sati started in Jan 2020).
      What should I expect when Sade sati ends as I will be running Sat Antardasha under Ketu Mahadasha? I am in the complete clutch of Saturn until 2029.

      • #134784 Reply


        Kindly elaborate what you consider as a rough patch between December 2017 and January 202o, to set the context. Just so you are aware, Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha and Jupiter/Guru own 4 Kendra houses and are the biggest benefics for you. You were in the midst of Mercury/Budha Maha-Dasha and Antara of Jupiter/Guru. They are posited in the 3rd house of courage and pro-active initiatives, where Jupiter/Guru is not really happy or comfortable.

        In any case, I’m inclined to think the situation was perhaps too much of good at that time, making you a bit overconfident and careless!?! Anyways, I rather not speculate.

        Moving forward, I think Ketu and Saturn/Shani-dev will help open the doors of spirituality in your life. You’ll probably get a bit philosophical and I’d suggest that you take care of your health.

        Take care…

    • #134785 Reply

      Thank you. The way I am interpreting “Ketu and Saturn/Shani-dev will help open the doors of spirituality in your life” means I will be pushed away from worldly achievements, i.e. I will have a stagnant career.

      Rough Patch between Dec 2017-Jan 2020: I was at a good company from Feb 2012 – Dec 2017. I worked hard and got promoted once in March 2015. I wanted to grow more. My manager left in Feb 2017 and my other colleagues kept growing with promotions but I did not. I decided to leave and join a start-up as head of the dept.
      But it was a bad fit and also I was also not exactly cut out for the role. So I was terminated in Mar 2018. Then I found a job in May 2018 but it was a long commute and I could not sustain the long commute. So I left and found my current job in Sept 2018.
      I made a good start for a few months and then could not build any momentum. My manager in Feb 2020 moved me to a different team and put me under my colleague. I went through depression and was constantly under the pressure of being fired. It was very traumatic for me. I somehow survived and found my grove again in mid-2021. I also got an offer from another good company in Oct 2021. But I did not take the offer as I felt the money I would make from stock compensation was less. Again my manager left in March 2022 and I applied for her role. Instead, it was given to a different colleague of mine and now I work for her since May 2022.

      Now we are in recession so I am not seeing any way to move upwards.

      I am providing all these details to show what happened in Mer/Jup and Mer/Sat, Sade Sati, and Ketu/Ketu Dasha’s thus far. Hope it gives you the insights to predict what will happen in:
      * In 2024
      * Rest of sade sati
      * Ketu>Saturn dasha

      • #134802 Reply


        Please reread my previous post, reflect back and validate if my understanding makes sense. As always, kindly ignore anything that is not to your taste or liking.

        Take care…

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