job prospects out side india

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    • #138390 Reply

      Respected Sir, I am exploring job in Middle East and East Africa. I have worked in these regions. Do you see any success in the year 2024. My Date of birth is 01-03-1972 and time is 1.12pm at Pune Maharashtra. Currently I am working in India. Regards

    • #138465 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      In your horoscope, we see that 12th lord  Venus is exalted in the 10th house, which is the house of career and profession. 9th house lord Saturn which is the house of luck, destiny is in the 12th house of abroad. Mercury and Sun form the auspicious Bhudh Aditya Yoga in your chart. You are presently in the main period of Jupiter and Sub period of Mars. Jupiter rules the 10th house and Mars rules the 11th house of gains. Certainly the period is promising to give you favourable results.


      Navneet Khanna

      Vedic Astrologer

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