Jupiter Dasa Bad

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  • Author
    • #33727 Reply
      Shekar Rao

      Why Astrologers say Jupiter Mahadasa will be very bad in initial 2 years ? Is there any reason behind it ? How come a benefic planet though aspecting good benefits to the native act bad initailly?

    • #33730 Reply
      K.Umamaheswaara rao

      There is no special rule in astrology.
      But age old knowledge says,a planet in its own
      antardasha does not act well.
      [email protected]

    • #33756 Reply

      There is no meaning in such statement. Any planet with good strength if a benefic planet(which has to be calculated) will always do good throughout its dasa and sub periods. You are listening to too many wayside astrologers. Read my blog navagrahastro.blogspot.in and you will be wiser in these regards.

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