Jvs rao Sir I am expecting your reply.

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    • #28234 Reply

      Namaste Sir,

      I am graduated student recently I have been started working but it is not a paid job… Please tell me when I will get job.. I am searching from past one year… And if possible also tell me how I can do well in my career…
      One more thing I would like to know about my marriage.. When I will get married and how my married life will be..
      Birth details :
      Belgaum district, Karnataka.

      Hoping you reply…

    • #28243 Reply

      Dear Vaishali Ji,
      You are of Sagittarius Ascendant.
      In Your Birth Chart, 7th Lord Mercury is weak and Venus, the representor of Marriage is also weak. So, Marriage Prospects is very weak. However, 9th place seems to quite strong. So, 2nd marriage is likely to be successful. But, Problems shall always be there in Married Life.

      For more details and Remedies, avail my paid report: shivaastrology1369@gmail.com

    • #28247 Reply
      J V S RAO

      Dear Vaishali
      Your marriage would be fixed and performed before 12-03-2018. There are no chances for 2nd marriage. Your married life would be happy. You will be very intelligent and sensitive. You like comfort and pleasantness.
      Your husband will be pleasant and happy person. But he will be practical and calm going person. Like wise there would be differences of ideas. The boy likes you much. He tolerates any thing for a long time. At last he will burst out. That quality is not liked by anybody. That is his weakness.
      Regarding Job: At present you will get a job, with a little salary and without job satisfaction. Next year in 2018, chances are more to get a job for your satisfaction.
      Good Luck
      JVS Rao

    • #28263 Reply

      Thank you so much for your positive words Sir One last query is there any foreign living yogas in my chart…

    • #28280 Reply
      J V S RAO

      Dear Vaishali
      In your life you will go abroad. there would be tensions or obstructions until you move.
      Good Luck
      JVS Rao

    • #28287 Reply

      Will I go after marriage or before marriage? Am I going to settle their? Thank you in advance for your all replies. God bless you sir with long life.

    • #28324 Reply
      J V S RAO

      Dear Vaishali
      You will go abroad after marriage. The chances of your movement are from August 2018. You will not settle there.
      Thanks for your wishes.
      Good Luck
      JVS Rao

    • #28395 Reply

      Thank you sir, sorry for one more query, I wanted to do an MBA in abroad is it possible to? If possible then when I can do… Please tell me

    • #28398 Reply
      J V S RAO

      Dear Vaishali
      You can complete your higher education M.B.A or other courses in the period from 10-03-2018 to 21-09-2020. If you have undertaken any courses, they will completed in this period also.
      JVS Rao

    • #28399 Reply

      Thank you sir which profession suites me basically I am an engineer.. When I will get job

    • #28400 Reply
      J V S RAO

      This forum allows only one question. Any how I answered many questions. If you have any more questions, pls come into paid services.


      Good Luck
      JVS Rao

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