Kanda Rajju Remedy


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    • #14026 Reply


      We are planning to get married. However, there seems to be a mismatch in jathagam due to kanda rajju.

      It scary when ppl say that it will result in girls death if we marry & we are so concerned about this.

      Is there any remedy or pariharam that can mitigate the ill effects?
      Girl’s star: hastham
      Boy’s star: thiruvonam

    • #14031 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      As the Girl is born in Hastham or Hasta star and the boy is born in Thiruvonam or Shravana star , there is Kanda Rajju, which is not good for the Girl. You should look at the Paid Horoscope Matching , which will include detailed Horoscope Matching along with check if Rajju dosha gets cancelled or not. Also will provide strong and effective remedies.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #27977 Reply

      Hi Im Rohini Nakshathram and my bf is Thiruvonam.
      And we are having kanda rajju.
      My family is opposing and really scared on this matter and decided to postpone the wedding upto 2 years plus.
      Is there any parigaram and is there any solutions on this?
      Will this affect my bf’s life span?
      Please advice.

    • #27979 Reply

      Suggest you come through paid consultation after reading my blog navagrahastro.blogspot.in

    • #96429 Reply
      Varun priyanka

      We have Kanda rajju it shows in what will it effect can we get rid of the solution please tell us

    • #96453 Reply

      Rajju dosham carries only 1% weightage in scientific horoscope matching and you can safely ignore it and go ahead with marriage if the two horoscopes otherwise match well.

    • #112525 Reply

      my nakstatra thiruvonam and my bf nakshatra rohini we both have kanda rajju same as we both really very scared about this please give some definition for this

    • #112526 Reply

      Rajju dosham carries only 1% weightage in scientific horoscope matching and you can safely ignore it and go ahead with marriage if the two horoscopes otherwise match well. Read “Scientific horoscope Matching” article on this website.

    • #113124 Reply

      My fiance is Ardra nakshatram and i am shravan nakshatram.
      But both of us have rajju dosha – Kanda rajju dosha. it’s very scary to know that it might lead to death of one of the partners. Could you please suggest if there are any remedies, and if we can proceed

    • #113131 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Check for Rajju dosham cancellation and also do a complete analysis of the birth charts, to know if you should go ahead with this marriage.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #113152 Reply

      In many places on internet i read that if we are friends before falling in love and getting married , then rajju dosha can be cancelled. Is that really true or just a rumour ? Is there any common sign by which we can know that we are eligible for rajju dosha cancellation?
      Thank you for your help sir.

    • #113154 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Horoscopes are not checked when we are friends, we check horoscopes only when we get married. The reason being, friendship is one of the many things that are looked at between the couple when they get married. The statement on the internet which you have come across apparently is from someone who does not understand the seriousness of horoscope matching. Rajju dosha cancellation is checked from both the charts.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #130239 Reply

      Mine as Swati and my bf as Hasta. we have kanta dhosha. on seeing full horoscope the head of nakshtra’s are not same but they are mutual friends.

      In this we can gohead with the marriage

    • #130242 Reply


      Awaiting your kind reply.

      Your reply means a lot.

      Thanks in advance.

    • #130246 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Dear Nandhini,

      Kanta Rajju dosha is not good, it brings health problems to the couple, especially the bride. So its cancellation is important to be checked before marriage. As what you are asking requires detailed analysis of both charts, suggest you kindly look at Horoscope matching in Paid section for a detailed analysis.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #136597 Reply

      Hi, i would like think know.. since me and my bf love marriage, and we realise that we had a kanta dhosam..is there any remedies that i can cancel my dhosham? Im rohini and my bf is Thiruvathirai</p>

      • #136598 Reply
        Navneet Khanna

        Rajju dosham in the horoscope is never good. It brings many problems after marriage. To check for Kanda Rajju cancellation and your overall marital life in detail in terms of health, children, finance, career, please look at my paid analysis. Please understand that to give my opinion, I need to check both charts in detail. You can choose Horoscope matching Kundali milan from the paid section, else you can write to me on neetzkhanna@yahoo.com


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