Kindly predict about marriage

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    • #131411 Reply

      I request all the astrologers to give your inputs. Does my brother have any serious problem,which he is hesitant to disclose ? Is he a gay ? Because he doesn’t accept any girl,when it comes to marriage. Will he marry at all ? We have almost given hopes regarding his marriage.Kindly predict about his marriage.

      Gender- Male. Dob- 08.05.1973, Pob- Mumbai, Tob- 16.52 PM

    • #131423 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Looking at the birth chart we see that the lagan is Virgo and rashi is Cancer. There is Kaalsarp dosha of the 4th and 10th house of the horoscope, which is not good. 4th house is for family happiness and Rahu being in the 4th house does not bring family gains. There is also Kemdruma dosha. Jupiter rules 7th house of marriage and Jupiter is debilitated in the 5th house in the Shravan Nakshatra of Moon. He is also partial mangalik from the Moon. The horoscope is not good on the marriage front. Marriage possibility is weak.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #131482 Reply

      Dear Rocky,

      Well, problems are possibly due to strongly afflicted 8th house and 2nd house and weak Venus. Sun is afflicting 8th house and 2nd house.

      It’s tough for him to get married.

      Thank and Regards,

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