life and business

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    • #135070 Reply
      Sachin Mendhekar

      Hello sir

      My name is Sachin Mendhekar from Nagpur Maharashtra DOB. 13.05.1985.

      From the past ten years i am facing financial issue

      I am not even able to make daily needs. I am running housekeeping material shop ( brooms mops wiper ..and cleaning chemical )

      I m getting frustrated day by day.

      Please suggest me ..should i change my business and if it is so then which business should i get into.

      Please suggest some pooja path….stone….to get out oc all these to live good life.

    • #135072 Reply
      Sachin Mendhekar

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Birth Time : 3.45 am</p>

    • #135080 Reply


      Given birth-time places Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in Meena Rashi and Moon/Chandra in Kumbha Rashi and Satabisha Nakshatra. So, you started your life with Rahu Maha-Dasha, followed by Neecha or debilitated Lagna Lord Jupiter/Guru-dev’s  Maha-Dasha.. with the first cycle of Sade-Sathi at a young age. So, the early part of your life might have been less pleasant and you probably did not fare very well in studies during your high school/college days.

      Thereafter (since December 2o11) you are in the midst of Saturn/Shani-dev’s Maha-Dasha. The 11th & 12th lord is placed in the 9th house of Bhagya-Sthana. From Moon/Chandra, he is placed in the 10th house of Karma-Sthana in a unfriendly house. So, things have probably been a bit of a grind since then. It looks like you might not be in good terms with your sibling/s – mutual aspect between Vakra or Retrograde Saturn/ Shani-dev and Mars/Kuja is contributing to the situation. This creates a form of Agni-Marutha Yoga, making you extremely short-tempered – somebody who is not himself when you lose your cool and somebody who is capable of breaking things you might have built with a lot of love and affection (be it bonding/relationship with siblings or other such). So, running business is not your core strength. It might not be a bad idea to consider being employed. Secondly, it looks like you might have moved away from your home-town. There might be possibilities for you to travel further away – perhaps overseas (we’ll need to check the same considering Desha-Kaala-Patra, after understanding other background aspects).

      Anyways, back to your current situation… you are in the midst of second cycle of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. So, the last couple of years have been a bit of a drag and the next few will continue to be a bit trying. So, please consider appeasing Saturn/Shani-dev with simple changes in your outlook and chanting of simple Mantras.

      Uccha or exalted Venus/Shukra is placed alongside Udaya Lagna, which has probably made you look attractive and charming. It has also made you crave for luxuries and easy life, apart from being a bit of a elitist. If true, please remember these are somethings Saturn/Shani-dev does not tolerate. He will make you bend your back and fall on your knees. Things should get better once you get past this phase and hopefully learn the lessons Karma-Karaka Saturn/Shani-dev is trying to teach you.

      On the sidelines, it looks like your father has had some weakness/bad habits or wrong company, in spite of being a good position or coming from a good family. Likewise, you might have some weakness yourself. It would perhaps make sense for you to realize and take corrective action, where necessary.

      Take care…

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