Life turmoil in current Rahu Mahadasha

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    • #147558 Reply


      My DOB is 30/09/1976, 12:02 PM, Patna (Bihar). Before the start of Rahu Mahadasha, my life started getting into problems. Currently surrounded with fake criminal cases instituted on me, lost my job last year in October, and there isn’t anyone left for me who I could trust or get help. Everyone either left or in process of leaving. My question – when will I get back to workforce with all the ongoing fake cases on me? I seem to have a long life, will it be problematic continuously as how it has been for last 5 years now?


      Thanks in advance for any possible help & direction.

    • #147734 Reply

      Request answer on this question please…

    • #147910 Reply


      In your birth-chart, Rahu is in very close conjunction with a powerfully placed Venus/Shukra in Libra/Tula Rashi. They are posited in the Lunar Constellation of Swathi Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu.

      Incidentally, Rahu has below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga and does not seem to be in the best of mood. Hence, a challenging time-period. Please consider propitiating Rahu… ideally by performing a Rahu Shanti or Chandika Homa/Havan – a fire ritual.

      Take care…

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