looking 4 life partner detailed horoscope Predictions

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Neeraj Gupta.
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    • #8123 Reply

      Hello, I want to know that when will I get married & will it be an arrange marriage or will I get married to someone I already know? My DoB is 17-12-1982, time is 4.53 pm & place is central delhi.

    • #8126 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Looking at your horoscope, it is seen that Mars rules the 7th house and Mars is posited in the 9th house or the bhagyastan in your horoscope. You have 8th lord Jupiter posited in the 7th house. If you look at the moon chart, we see Rahu in the 7th house, which forms the Kalathra Dosha. However chances of marriage are very much after September 2016.

      Click to Read about Kalathra Dosha


      Navneet Khanna

    • #8163 Reply
      Neeraj Gupta

      hi, I am also searching a life companion ( Girl). Hence, pl. contact me at [email protected]

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