Love marriage/parents disapproval

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    • #136864 Reply

      I like a guy, he is an european and we are thinking of getting married next year. But my parents have disapproved my choice and are trying to break up our relationship. They are already searching for a guy from my community. It’s been very hard and I am still trying to convince them. Is there a love marriage in my chart? and will they approve it? Please help.

      Birth Details:

      November 25 1996

      Morning 11:45 AM

      Shikarpur, Karnataka, India


    • #136867 Reply


      I’m not able to locate a place called Shikarpur in Karnataka. Please let me/us know if your birth-place is Shikaripur in Shivamogga, Karnataka. If yes, please be informed that you are in the midst of Rahu Maha-Dasha. He is placed in the 9th house of Dharma-Sthana, where he is neither happy nor comfortable. He is detrimental for related significances.

      Further, Yogakaraka Venus/Shukra is strongly placed in his Swasthana and Moola-Trikona in Tula/Libra Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Swathi Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu. So, by nature you have a fascination for unconventional, foreign etc., more so in relationships. In my humble opinion, I think you also have an inclination in your mind to get infatuated or seemingly fall in love. In reality though, love marriage or relationship should be a two-way street. So, suggestion is for you to consider validating if you are truly in love and if the other person also has same or similar feelings.

      In your case, Sathvik Jupiter/Guru-dev is not really a benefic, but will influence you. He is strongly placed in his Swasthana and Moola-Trikona in the 12th house of Dhanur/Sagittarius Rashi. So, I’m inclined to think you have natural inhibition t0 what you consider might be adharmic. You can continue to blame your parents for trying to break your relationship. But deep within, I think you are not very sure about your inclination either… you seem to be in a dilemma and seeking views/opinions to validate the oscillating thoughts/inclinations in your mind.

      Take care…

      • #136873 Reply


        Yes, it is Shikaripura.

        Thank you for your response. If I get married, will it be a happy marriage? Is there any chance of divorce?

    • #136877 Reply


      In predictive techniques, the concept of Desha-Kaala-Patra (Place/location, Time and Role) plays a significant role in unfolding of Karma for an individual. In the current day/time and on a virtual (internet) platform, we are side-stepping all prescribed processes – including the need to meeting the querent in person, quiz and connect with his/her background to understand the context etc. So, most often… we end up speculating outcomes.

      Ideally, it would make sense for you to provide some background (as for information, more the merrier), with relevant details to help set the context.

      Take care…

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