YOur lagna is Vrischika(Scorpio).
lagna and second houses-vacant.
Third house–Guru is neecha.
Fourth house-Chandra-very good Raja yoga.
Sixth house-Sukra and rahu,
Seventh house–Ravi and Budha.
Eighth house-Kuja
Twelfth house-Sani,kethu.
It is difficult to tell whether Kuja dosha is cancelled or not.
Guru can cancel that dosha.
But Guru is weak.
Sukra can also cancel that dosha.
But Sukra is with rahu.
But moon is very strong.He is capable of cancelling
that dosha.
It is difficult whether he cancelled that dosha.
You have to do penance for one year to ward off that evil.
You have to eat only uncooked vegetables during nights,for
one year.
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