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Online Magazine on Vedic Astrology
Tagged: Mangal dosha
Namaste Sir,
my name is gaurav gupta..details are as follow-:
D.O.B- 06/sept/1986
T.O.B- 13:32
P.O.B- kanpur(U.P)
sir i have married to a non manglik girl but some astrologer told me that i am having mangal in first house…so i am manglik…….. sir please tell me that i am having mangal dosh???
Looking at your horoscope we see that Mars is posited in the first house of Natal chart and 4th house of Moon chart. Therefore you are mangalik.
Navneet Khanna
sir i have married a non manglik girl so now what will happen??
Mangalik marriage should be with a Non manglaik person only to negate the malefic effects of Mangal dosha. You should check your wife horoscope and see if her horoscop cancels your mangal dosha. Many times the second horoscope cancels the first horoscope mangal dosha.
Navneet Khanna
Your lagna is Dhanush.
Kuja is there in lagna.
For your lagna ,kuja is owner of kona.
Kona means fifth house.
Dosha of Kuja is much reduced.
Seventh house owner Budha is in 9th house.
It is good.
Sani is seeing second house.
Real dosha lies in second house.
Second house indicates family and finances.