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    • #135407 Reply

      dec 12 1992

      21hrs 40mins

      location :nagpur

      Namaste I am already 30 and my parents are worried about my marriage . Any chances for my wedding this year . ? Or next year


    • #135413 Reply


      Request you to kindly bear with me and ignore anything that is not to your taste or liking, in my understanding/assessment of your birth-chart (shared below). Hopefully, you’ll also realize I am/we are handicapped with lack of “Desha-Kaala-Patra” related information, on a virtual online platform.

      Udaya Lagna is placed in Karkataka Rashi along with Lagna Lord Moon/Chanda and Neecha or debilitated Mars/Kuja – they seem to be too close to each other for comfort. In fact, they are at logger-heads with each other. To make matters worse, they are being aspected by a strongly placed Saturn/Shani-dev from Makara Rashi – Badhaka Venus/Shukra placed alongside is not helping your cause. The said placements have contributed to the stated delay, which is quite obvious.

      You are currently in the midst of Mercury/Budha Maha-Dasha and Antara of Rahu. In my humble opinion/assessment, there seems to be a very small possibility for an unconventional (some of them you may not be acceptive of) relationship/marriage from now until October 2023 and later from May 2024 till end of year.

      It looks like you have a mind of your own, a bit stubborn, very short-tempered and angry by nature, you seem to become a completely different person (like a dual personality), when you lose your cool/composure. These are not really good traits or attributes for happy married life – not to mention the need to validate the concept of Karaka-Bhava-Nashaya, for presence of Venus/Shukra in the 7th house of Kalathra-Sthana.

      Given the afflictions in your birth-chart, I’d like to caution you that marriage and spousal relationship (not to mention relationship with in-laws) is not going to be easy or pleasant for you to manage. That said, kindly be informed that I feel that it is tending towards denial, If you miss the small possibility.

      In fact, if a prospective groom or his well-wishers were to seek my opinion for matching your chart, I would be extremely cautious and skeptical. So, please be aware of such perceptions, while sharing your birth-details. Also, you’ll probably need to find suitable matches with similar affliction and a strong will (with both you and potential groom) to make a spousal relationship work.

      On the bright side though (if it’s any consolation), you have a lot of good Yogas and positive periods in the form of Raja Yogas lined up – although they seem to have gotten diluted with the inherent afflications.

      Take care…

    • #135434 Reply

      Please reply to my form as well.
      “which is best career for me Govt. or Prvt? by  Manju Sai Venkat”

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