marriage and business time

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    • #6216 Reply
      aatish garg

      dear sir,
      my birth details are july 3, 1987, 10:45 am, samalkha, dist panipat haryana

      i am doing business, running a manufacturing unit, but suffering loss, its been 2 years but have not got success yet. can you plz tell me about my business and when will i get married?

    • #6233 Reply
      aatish garg

      dear sir
      i have another question to ask. i was reading your article about definition of marriage. some astrologers have said that my first marriage will not work. the truth is i am bi sexual and i was madly in love with a guy for 3 years. we even became physical 3 times. but eventually the relationship broke up. what does astrology say about same sex relationships??

    • #6236 Reply

      There is no mention of homosexuality in Astrology. Sorry that I cannot help you in this regard.

    • #6240 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      You have retrograde Mercury and Saturn in your horoscope and Saturn is the 7th lord and Mercury is the 11th lord and conjoined with Venus and Lagan lord Sun. Chances of what you are saying is very much in your horoscope.



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