Marriage and career

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    • #147607 Reply


      My details are 09 Feb 1993, 09:57 AM, Amravati Maharashtra, India.

      I am not able to find any suitable person for marriage, I have met many people but things dont finalise and its getting frustrating now. What are the predictions of my marriage and its overall happiness. I am currently in London since 2022, and planning to return back considering people dont want to move here out of India. Please can anyone guide me. A few astrologers (renowned) said that I should not marry and majority of them said that your marriage will be average not that great. Please can anyone clarify.



    • #147614 Reply


      In my humble opinion, marriage is very much on the cards… unless you (the native) gives up. That said, it looks like there will be something unconventional (different religion/caste, culture, region, language etc.) about it. So, if that is unacceptable (in case of ultraconservative, rigidi/inflexible nature or expectations of self/family) than, things could get challenging. Hence, the need to understand the concept of “Desha-Kaala-Patra” and/or “Kula-Gothra-Nakshatra” etc.

      Take care…

    • #147615 Reply


      By the way, you are in the midst of Rahu Maha-Dasha (as per Vimsottari Dasha system, lasting until 2033) and Antara of 7th lord of Kalathra-Sthana Mercury/Budha (placed in the 12th house of Foreign Land / Bed Pleasure etc.). Rahu is neither happy nor comfortable being placed in the 9th house of Dharma-Sthana and can be detrimental for related significance. To make things a bit more interesting, Rahu and Mercury/Budha participate in Sukshma Parivarthana, at Nakshatra level. This could be a reason why some knowledgeable folk might have indicated unsatisfactory relationship or time-period.

      Take care…

    • #147621 Reply

      Thanks for your response Buddy. Please can you predict the time period for marriage and how will the rest of the Rahu MD and Jupiter MD play out in case of marriage and career. Are there are challenges in child birth?

    • #147661 Reply


      As called out earlier, there are lot of other things/information (about yourself and your family) that needs to be factored in / considered, for understanding the unfolding of Karma in your life, from your birth-chart. Gathering and analyzing that over a virtual forum will be a bit difficult. If still interested, kindly consider sharing relevant details.

      Take care…

    • #147744 Reply

      Thanks Buddy,
      I am a CA from India currently in London since 2 years, on the verge of being called back by my Mother back to India (just for the sake of ease in finding a prospect). My father passed away in an accident when I was 8. I have an elder brother who is married and has a child. Please let me know if you need any further background. My questions are above same as for all the normal people – career, marriage and family life after that

    • #147832 Reply


      A lot more details will be required (which can be gathered during an in-person meeting, something that is not easy over a virtual forum) to get a clear understanding.

      That said, it looks like there is a possibility of you developing love like feelings for somebody and a good chance of marrying middle or later part of next year. Suggestion is for you to exercise caution…

      Take care…

    • #147862 Reply

      Thanks Buddy, please could you provide a way to reach you for personal one to one consultation

    • #147890 Reply


      Just so you are aware, I believe whatever I’m doing here… in terms of sharing my knowledge/understanding is a way of shedding my Karmic debt/burden. So, astrology is neither a passion nor a profession for me and at times I’m constrained by time/bandwidth. And, I’m sure  you can/will understand if I am driven by my free-will to entertain, engage or disengage from any case/topic, at any point in time – specially since I believe I’m driven by my Karma.

      All said and done, I would prefer to remain unanimous and reserve the right to/not respond. I am active on a few forums and happen to use the same handle (user name) in at least one other popular forum. You can reach out to me there by way of private message or share your e-mail coordinates/contact information. Time permitting, I’ll try to write to you.

      Take care…

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