Marriage and Career Predictions

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    • #4369 Reply

      Dear Sirs, my details are below –

      Date – 15.01.1983
      Time – 22.25pm
      Place – London, UK

      I am running Jupiter dasha and with Jupiter as my 7th lord would like to know when I am likely to get married and what kind of spouse can I expect (will it be with someone from another country/different caste/love or arranged).

      My career has also been poor, with a Masters degree I am in a average paying job and seek advice on a suitable career choice that will make me wealthy.

      I look forward to hearing from you and discussing this further.

      Jai Shree Krishna

    • #4370 Reply

      You have a very powerful horoscope, but for a weak Moon and Venus. Have a look at your planetary dispositions.

      Planet Residential Strength Good % Bad% Nature

      Sun 63.75 24.90 75.10 Malefic
      Moon 12.40 21.03 51.67 Malefic
      Mars 87.25 48.20 13.31 Benefic
      Mercury 66.91 63.58 3.63 Benefic
      Jupiter 77.95 29.75 70.25 Malefic
      Venus 19.21 35.63 45.33 Malefic
      Saturn 79.15 67.92 8.58 Benefic
      Rahu 76.29 63.58 3.63 Benefic
      Kethu 76.29 29.75 70.25 Malefic

      Net 62.13

      Malefic planets if are strong enough will not create any problem. So Sun, Jupiter and Kethu though malefic are not at all that bad to give you any bad influence.

      Your should have got married in 2010. Read my articles “Definitions in Astrology” on my blog

      Your marital house is very potent. So is your Career house too. Are you sure that your birth details are accurate and were you born in London?!

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