marriage compatibility

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  • Author
    • #17541 Reply
      Urusha Thapa

      My date of birth is 1993-02-11, 11:48pm
      His DON is 1991-08-12, 3:10pm. We want to get married.his mother said we have nadidosh and cannot get married.but we really love each other.could you please thoroughly check and advise me what can I do? Waiting for your response is very urgent.

    • #17542 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Please provide the Place of Birth for Horoscope matching and checking Nadi dosha.


      Navneet Khanna

      • #17558 Reply
        Urusha Thapa

        Both of our birth place is kathmandu

    • #17576 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      The ashtkoot guna milan score is 11.5 out of 36, which is less than 18 that is considered minimum for marriage. There is Gana and Madhya Nadi dosha which is not good. The Boy is born under the Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra and the Girl is born under the Chitra Nakshatra. As there is no Nadi Paad Vedha , Nadi dosha gets cancelled.

      Despute Nadi dosha getting cancelled, the Guna milan score is less. You should get a detailed horoscope matching done to check if Gana dosha gets cancelled and also the Grah Milan which is matching of the planets is good or not. You can read about Grah milan on


      Navneet Khanna

    • #17597 Reply
      Urusha Thapa

      Thank you sir. So nadi dosha is cancelled in our case right sir? What can we do for graha Milan? If we do so can we marry?

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