Marriage Delay and Married life

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    • #135679 Reply

      Dear astrologers

      We have been trying to find a match for my son since a very long time. His birth details are

      Date – 17 Feb 1988

      Time – 7:22 AM

      Place – Ambala Cantt, India

      It is a kind request to help and share when will he get married and how will be the marriage life

      Thanks in advance



    • #135688 Reply

      His marital life has 59.7% strength and obviously he will get married and have children. He had a good chance in March 2023. Are you sure about his time of birth?

      • #135689 Reply

        Yes all birth details are accurate when will marriage will happen?

    • #135703 Reply
    • #135722 Reply


      Please bear with me and feel free to ignore anything that is not to your taste or liking.

      Udaya Lagna is placed in Makara Rashi and closely conjunct 8th lord Sun/Ravi, in the Lunar Constellation of Dhanista Nakshatra. The delay thus far is obvious with Lagna Lord being placed in the 12th house of Vyaya/Losses. He is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Mula/Moola Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu and aspects the second house of Family Expansion and 7th lord Moon/Chandra, placed in the 10th house.

      Apart from that, Yogakaraka and natural or Naisargika Kalathra Karaka Venus/Shukra along with 7th lord of Kalathra-Sthana Moon/Chandra are caught in the Rahu-Ketu axis. Saturn/Shani-dev, Venus/Shukra and Ketu are placed in mutual Kendras forming a Tapaswi Yoga. Current Maha-Dasha lord Jupiter/Guru-dev seems to have barely cross over to Mesha Rashi and is caught in deep Gandanta degrees. He is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ashwini Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu.

      In my humble opinion, the native has very feeble or limited Yogas for marriage and the situation seems to be tending towards denial, with a very strong footprint and an undeniable influence of Ketu. In case the native is truly interested in getting married (which I doubt is the case), it would perhaps make sense for him to consider offering special prayers to Lord Ganesha, with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong Sankalpa… while being open for an unconventional relationship.

      Take care…

    • #135729 Reply

      Hi buddy

      Can u help me

      I just want to know wen will be I get marry and how will be life further.


      14 oct 1988


      New Delhi


      • #135732 Reply


        Please confirm your birth-details to be accurate – else, we’ll end up speculating.

        Take care…

    • #135733 Reply

      Given details are correct

    • #135742 Reply


      Given birth-details seem to place Udaya Lagna or Aschendent in Vrishaba/Taurus Rashi, Vakra or Retrograde Jupiter/Guru-dev being placed alongside. Lagna Lord Venus/Shukra is placed in Simha/Leo Rashi and very closely conjunct Ketu – which is misaligned for worldly (materialistic) pleasures.  Moon/Chandra has strength… but is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation. He is in mutual aspect with Jupiter/Guru (who is not really a benefic for the birth-chart), creating a Gaja-Kesari Yoga.

      Incidentally, you were going through not so conducive periods and hence the delay in marriage. But thankfully, it does not look like a complete denial – unless you give up.

      You recently changed Maha-Dashas and have started that of Lagna Lord Venus/Shukra from September 2022 (after finishing that of Ketu). In my humble opinion, the influence of Ketu has continued due to the close conjunction with Venus/Shukra. On the sidelines, I’m inclined to think luck has rarely worked in your favor,

      In summary, I’m inclined to think Ketu has directly or indirectly been putting hurdles in your path. So, it would perhaps make sense for you to consider offering special prayers regularly to Lord Ganesha, with unwavering faith, bhakti/devotion and a strong Sankalpa for early fulfillment of desires and a happy married life.

      If God willing and with Divine blessings (not to mention your own effort, along with well-wishers), you could get married before November 2024.

      Take care…

    • #135744 Reply

      thanks for explaining. 

      Let me know how will be my life after marriage

    • #135756 Reply

      You can come through Paid consultation

    • #135765 Reply

      Can u help here

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