Marriage getting Delayed – PLEASE HELP

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    • #139056 Reply

      Dear Sir/Madam,

      Can you please kindly look at the birth chart and provide input on when marriage will likely occur (birth details below)?

      We have been looking for a prospective groom for our daughter for the last 4-5 years. Her career is highly successful. We hope we can find a suitable match and arrange the marriage this year in 2024.

      You help and guidance will be greatly appreciated.

      Name: Divyadarshini
      DOB: 25th July 1991
      Time: 16.44 (4.44pm)
      Place: Chennai, India

      We will be truly grateful for your input.

    • #139062 Reply
      Raghunath Devrat

      I can help you,and you will be succes to getting suitable marriege parter for your daughterplease contact me on my mobile number8975680987 and first you send me me a massege on my whatsapp,,

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