Marriage Possibilty

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    • #135758 Reply

      Dear astrologers

      Is there any chances of my marriage? I lost all hope

      Date – 29 Dec 1985

      Time – 3:00 AM

      Place – Tarn taran, Punjab, India

      Any help would be appreciated!

      Thanks in advance

    • #135784 Reply

      Any guidance please?

    • #135785 Reply

      People with great nature like yours are born to serve society. They cannot be bound by Family. Put your full energy in serving society selflessly. Consider this whole world as your family.

      • #135793 Reply

        Can you explain @Ramesh Sir? I am worried with your response

    • #135794 Reply


      Please confirm if birth-time shared is accurate.
      In any case, Udaya Lagna seems to be placed in Tula/Libra Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Swati Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu… and flanked on either side by two Krura Graha and in the Ketu-Rahu axis. Neither of them are preferred.

      Moon/Chandra is strongly placed in Karkataka Rashi, his Swasthana and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Punarvasu Nakshatra. But then, he seems to have very little support on either side of the flanks… making you a bit of a lonesome person with very few friends and limited social life. You also seem to be a bit on the stubborn side.

      Lagna Lord Venus/Shukra is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Mula/Moola Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu. Saturn/Shani-dev is a Yogakaraka for the birth-chart. But then his placed in the 2nd house of Wealth Accumulation and Family Expansion (Marriage/Child birth) is invariably delayed. He is conjunct 9th & 12th lord Mercury/Budha. Incidentally, current Maha-Dasha is that of Mercury/Budha and Antara of Saturn/Shani-dev (until March 2024)… a Raja Yoga period, supposedly a good time. But then, planetary transits… Saturn/Shani-dev transiting the 8th house from natal placement of Moon/Chandra forming Ashtama-Shani will probably be influencing you, along with Rahu-Ketu transit across 1-7th axis are perhaps diluting your good time.

      For the records, both Venus/Shukra and Rahu have below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga. Further, Maha-Dasha sequence of Jupiter/Guru-dev, Saturn/Shani-dev and Mercury/Budha have not played their part in the delay. Upcoming Maha-Dasha is that of Ketu. In spite of all these and inherent delay, I’m inclined to think you are destined to get married – unless you and well-wishers give up.

      All said and done, it might not be a bad idea for your to consider offering special prayers as per your religious faith and seeking divine blessings.

      Take care…

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