Marriage Prediction

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    • #32289 Reply

      I wolud like to know about my future wife.About his profession.
      will i have chance of getting mmarried to a older girl than me

      Date of Birth : 19.01.1986
      Time : 09:00 AM
      Place : Kandy ,Central,Sri Lanka

      Thank you

    • #32293 Reply
      Astrologer Akash


      You are an Aquarius ascendant and Bharani nakshatra.

      In your horoscope the 7th cuspal sub-lord is Venus and is placed in the star of Saturn which could indicate an older and more mature spouse.
      There are very high chances of you getting married during your Leo Padhnadhamsa dasha which will be running from 22/09/2017-22/07/2018.

      God Bless,
      Astrologer Akash.

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