my name is vallari kanekar born on 30/04/1987 at 6.07 pm in ponda goa. married to sameer k shirodkar who is born on 10/05/1976 at 5.06 am in siolim mapusa goa.married on 10 may 2014. i have one son born on 24 april 2015 at 8.52pm in ponda goa. i am facing difficulty in living with my husband. Everytime our conversation ends with fight arguments and i find it very difficult to interact with him . at present i am living with my parents and my son. our matter has reached till divorce. although he has not taken his step for divorce but constantly threatening me by saying that he will take divorce. my question is that,, is there any chances of divorce in my kundali?? if yes than i want my son to be with me forever. means child custody in my favour.please guide me what should i do?