Marriage relation and child

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  • Author
    • #35250 Reply
      akanksha badal

      DOB: 02/04/1988
      DOBT: 12.20 pm
      Place: Anuppur, MP

      I am married from 2014, love marriage. But due to my job and husband job location living at different cities.
      1. When will we stay together?
      2. How will be our marriage life?
      3. When will we have kids?
      4. Mangal in 8 house so what will be the affect?

    • #35258 Reply

      Mangal is not in the 8th house, it is in the 7th house according to Bhava chart. And it is highly benefic too. So you have nothing to worry about kids or married life. Now that Jupiter Mahadasa has started, you will soon be able to live with your husband. You will have a child before mid 2019 if your husband has a matching horoscope with you. Read my blog

    • #35299 Reply
      akanksha badal

      Actually my time may be here and there. One jyotish of bhopal told that it should b 12.30 pm. and i may have miscarriage. Actually i m pregnant now 2 months and husband got job in my city and shifting by end of the month. So i am worried…

      I am in govt job, husband is tall and fair… what time would be more correct?

    • #35302 Reply

      You can come for a scientific evaluation of your and your husband’s horoscope when you will get a better picture of your life. Read my blog for further details.

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