Marriage Success

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    • #34122 Reply

      Dear Sir,

      My horoscope details:

      DOB: 9-12-1986
      TOB: 3:55 am
      POB: New Delhi

      My husband horoscope details:

      DOB: 2-6-1986
      TOB: 8:00 pm
      POB: New Delhi

      We are currently separated after 3 months of marriage. Will the marriage end in Divorce (Date of Marriage): 18-02-2017


    • #34131 Reply

      According to Kundli Milan your horoscopes match well and they say “Union is Very Good”. If the theory of Kundli Milan is believable (which I do not), there should be no reason for a divorce. I have a separate method of scientific horoscope matching technique(you can read it on my blog and if you are interested in a second opinion, you can ask for one using Paid Consultation.

      • #34148 Reply

        His chart has the problem, after may 2017 his vimsottari das changed right he is in Venus-Mercury dasa and they are 7th and 8th lords and posited in 8th house and mars is aspecting them

        2018 march you anthar dasa will change which will bring good to you. Just wait and take any serious decision after your birthday

        Pray for lord Shiva on Mondays go to temple if possible donate white rice on that day.

        donate red gram-1 kg on Tuesdays for 5 weeks

        [email protected]

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