मेरा नाम ऋषि है
DOB 03011980
TOB 14:15 hrs
POB Moradabad
में जीवन में बहुत परेशान हूँ, एक अनचाहा डर हमेशा मन में बना रहता है।
मेहनत के अनुसार फल नही मिलता, बॉस हमेशा मेरी बेइज़्ज़ती करते है
क्या मेरे जीवन में सुख शांति का समय कभी आएगा
Sun is the weakest planet in your horoscope and Rahu inherits the properties of Sun. You are now running Kethu Mahadasa till the end of which there will be some problems till end of 2026 and thereafter you will be better off.
Remedies in astrology are just bluff and the only remedy is that you are forewarned about the future and take necessary precautions. Like if you know that it is going to rain, carry an umbrella with you if you have to go out. Otherwise, remain indoors.