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Online Magazine on Vedic Astrology
Tagged: moon dasha predictions
Dob 26 sep 1991
Time 12:37 am
Place kollam, kerala
Sir please advise how will be my upcoming moon dhasa for 10 years. There has been no luck getting a job or any sort of earning the entire sun dhasa…also no mental peace
How will be my earnings in moon dhasa? As moon is the lord of 2nd house placed in 11th…is it forming Dhan yoga?
Looking at your birth chart we see that Moon rules the 2nd house of your horoscope and Moon is in the 11th house of gains. However, Moon in your horoscope is under Kemadruma dosha which is not good. The Moon dasha for 10 years will start from January 2024. During this period, you may experience ups and down in your emotional and mental state. It should bring you financial stability, provided you are willing to work towards achieving your goals. Focusing is always an issue when Kemsruma dosha is there like in your case. Doing the remedies of Moon given below is important.
1. Keep fast on Mondays.
2. Drink water in a silver glass.
3. Read Hanuman Chalisa daily
Navneet Khanna
Thanku sir
Do you see job or business bringing me financial stability?
Also if u can please explain why was sun mahadhasa extremely traumatic for me?
Business is not for you in the present period. It is best that you do a job. If you want a detailed analysis on your birth chart with interpretation on dashas you can always look at my paid analysis.
Navneet Khanna
Hello Ashwariya,
What did you study? What is the Job you are trying to get? How was your Venus Mahadasha before Sun MD as per your experience?
Hello Sourav ji
Venus mahadhasa i struggled in case of my studies and family atmosphere was very bad as well.not a good period altogether
I am MBA in HR and trying to get a job in HR