Move back to India: possible!

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    • #147260 Reply

      Name- Suman Mukherjee

      DOB- 31st July 1982

      Time: 21:12 (9:12 pm)

      Place: Kolkata, West Bengal


      Right now I am living in the USA for last 14 years and have done higher studies in the USA. I am applying for university faculty positions in India and plan to go back to India in the long run for an academic job. Will it be possible for me to move back and settle in India in the long run for an academic job and also taking care of my parents? I am not fixed to Kolkata, any Indian city is fine with me. Is that possible? If yes, when will that happen.

    • #147273 Reply

      Can anyone please help with this? Reply please

    • #147274 Reply

      Buddy, can you please comment on this?

    • #147289 Reply

      @buddy, please, if you can help here

      Much appreciated

    • #147310 Reply


      It would help if you could provide some background about yourself and family – including education, profession etc., as also the underlying drivers/reasons and motivating factors for the said move.

      Take care…

    • #147351 Reply

      I was born in Kolkata and did MSC in India then came to USA for PhD and postdoc research. Now I am in scientist position for a pharma company. I have green card so no problem in USA for staying longer. But my parents live in India. My wife and I live in USA. Long term (within next 5 years or similar time frame) I have a plan to come back india, to stay near my parents and also to make career in Indian academia as research professor in university. I am planning to apply for those positions in india. May be not in Kolkata but anywhere in india. So basically plan is to stay back in India as a university professor. Now Q’s is whether that will be possible for me to come back in India in long term for a faculty position and if yes when (approximately which year) that will happen. Or I will stay in USA in pharma industry as scientist position. Please respond buddy

    • #147401 Reply

      Buddy can you please help me on this.

    • #147484 Reply


      You have not mentioned about kids – their inclination, wife and her inclination etc. You see, uprooting yourself after setting roots and settling in a seemingly comfortable environment (where there are few problems) is not always a easy task, unless there is a strong urge/reason and commitment.

      To me, it looks like the motivation and your drive (for returning to India) is not strong enough right now. There was a time period previously that was conducive and there will be a couple of such further down the lane as well. So, options and possibility exists – but then you’ll need very strong reasons and drive.

      Take care…

    • #147488 Reply

      Thanks buddy. I don’t have any kids and wife lives with me, she also works here in USA. But she does not have any problems of moving back india. She also thinks life is relaxed in India and it’s good of stay near parents for both of us while they are getting old. But for moving back I know I need to take the initiative. Then she will follow me. In future when that will be possible? I mean approximately which year?

    • #147489 Reply

      Also that moving back to India will be possible astrologically?

      Can you please help here Buddy

    • #147492 Reply


      As called out earlier, 5th lord of Procreativity/Progeny is Neecha or debilitated in your birth-chart and the aspect of Saturn/Shani-dev has perhaps contributed to the delay. But then, I’m inclined to think you have Yogas for parental pleasure. Kindly share birth-details of your wife (along with some background and major events of your/wife’s lives), to validate collective Karma – in case you are interested.

      In my humble opinion, I think you can make it happen, if you are able to get past/over the fascination of Foreign/Overseas/Distant land and other such feelings/attachments, that seem to be clouding your mind. In any case, it looks like there might be a brewing opportunity for change in job/place with the onset of Mars/Kuja Maha-Dasha (starting from later part of 2028). Returning to India could materialize thereafter.

      All said and done, there are a bunch of other factors that need to be checked validated, including the need for factoring in the concept of Desha-Kaala-Patra – something that is not easy over a virtual internet forum.

      Take care…

    • #147496 Reply

      I see. Understood your point of views. This is sufficient enough for now. Thanks a ton buddy. You are truly very helpful. Thanks for amazing detailed  explanation. Really appreciate your kindness. This is a big help. Warm regards buddy for your thoughtfulness.

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