MY Career

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    • #114870 Reply

      I am entering into Saturn Venus period now. How will it impact on my career. At present I am working in an IT company will I progress in the Company. Any foreign Opportunities will be there?

      My details


      12th Jun 1960

      6.14 AM

      Karur Tamilnadu India

    • #114871 Reply

      My Son is in USA and trying for good Job now. What is his prospects for getting a good job now.


      His details are

      04th Dec 1995


      Chennai Tamilnadu india


    • #114873 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara Rao

      Hello Sri Sathya,

      You  completed sixty years .

      Your lagna is Midhuna.

      Lagna –Budha–very good.

      3rd house–rahu–goood.

      7th house–Guru and sani–good.

      8th house-moon-bad..

      11th house–Kuja-good.

      12th house-Sun and Sukra-bad..

      Sani maha dasa-Sukra antar dasa will be ordinary.

      As Sani is in kendra,this mahardasa will be good.

      Antardasa will be ordinary.

      As Sukra is in 12th house,foreign opportunities are


      This Sukra antardasa is not so helpful for finances,

      as it is in 12th house..

      Sukra is most important planet for midhuna lagna

      for finances.

      It is better to do penance for one year or more to

      reduce dosha of Sukra and increase the potential of


      Methods of penance—
      3.Daily practise 20 atma pradakshinams(spin) and 5 anga pradakshinams
      (rolling namaskars on floor).You can know the meaning if you ask

      a senior priest in a temple.

      4.Daily sit for 10mins in sunlight to increase your resistance.
      Males should remove shirt and bannian.

      5A-Meditation–Meditation does not mean sitting
      calmly with closed eyes.
      Lord Siva stood under waterfalls and meditated
      for days and months in Himalayas.
      That is why people say Ganga is on his head.
      You have to meditate by sitting under a shower
      (in bath room)for 15mins or 30 mins,as per your capacity.
      While sitting under a shower,you can chant a mantra which
      you like ,so as to get 10 times more effect than ordinary
      chanting in prayer room.
      This method should not be followed in places where
      the climate is very cold..

      Penance essentially means diet discipline and sex discipline.
      Diet discipline does not mean less eating..
      It means to avoid all animal products.
      It is called veganism.

      After practising veganism for two months,the person should
      practise fasting once in 4days or once in 7days.
      On the fasting day,he can eat 5 or 6times, only
      uncooked vegetables.

      Your semen is divine substance in your body.
      Celibacy is most important to lift youself spiritually.
      Such a person can influence the society around him
      Follow strictly veganism method..
      Veganism means to avoid milk,curd,buttermilk,coffee,tea,
      icecream,ghee,fish,nonveg,eggs.It means you have to avoid
      all animal products for 6months.
      In addition to veganism,people should avoid sweets,sweet fruits and dry fruits.
      People ,who follow veganism method,can eat meals and tiffins.

      Veganism people should daily eat 150 gms of uncooked vegetables.

      5c-Third method =In this method,closing eyes is not necessary.
      Practising this pose is itself sufficient.It is half inverted pose.
      You practise Downward dog pose (or adho mukha svanasana) in internet. you will get it.

      In the Down dog pose,you can make it more effective,by lifting one leg into air,
      So,two hands and two feet will be on the ground.You lift one leg into air and stay
      like that for one minute.Then you bring down that leg,now lift second leg into air,
      and stay like that for one minute.This is an improvement of Down dog pose.

      Now take 3mutes practise =single leg  down dog pose=
      see  photo in internet.

      [email protected]


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