My Daughter is born in moola nakshatra 1 st pada

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #2075 Reply

      sir, my Daughter is born in Moola Nakshatra 1 st pada and date of birth is 17.02.2012 and time is 4.15am friday and place is Agra.

      Please tell me what is problem and what is solutions.

    • #2077 Reply

      Being Born in Moola Nakshatra is not something bad. One out of 27 people born in this world have Moola Nakshatra and so do others born in other nakshatra too. Do you think all of them have problems? These are all certain superstitions associated with astrology.

      For all people born in Moolanakshatra, one out of four are being born in the first pada. These generalised predictions that it has some problems as propagated by wayside astrologers are all just to further their interests in money making.

      So do not believe all that. Your daughter has a net strength of 51% for her horoscope which is rather Good. Do not worry about anything.

      You will get a better picture of astrology if you visit my articles on

    • #2080 Reply

      Mool Nakshatra is the Nakshtra of Ketu and as your daughter is born under the Gandmool Nakshatra you can do the Gandmool Puja. Moola nakshatra comes every 27 days you may contact the local pandit in your area for more details regarding when the Nakshatra will reappear.

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