My Gf is Forever mate or just for some time

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    • #133443 Reply

      R [ Male]
      Dhaulpur Rajasthan
      15 : 05

      A [Female]
      Lucknow U.P



      Relationship started on 3 october 2022


      Dear Navennet Sir,

      I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to you today with a few questions regarding my long-distance relationship. I am hoping that you can provide some insight and guidance based on the details I provide.

      Firstly, I am curious to know when I will have the opportunity to meet my partner in person. As we are currently in a long-distance relationship, it can be challenging to maintain the connection without physical proximity. I would appreciate any insight you can offer on this matter.

      Secondly, I am wondering if my partner is my forever mate or if our relationship is only meant to be temporary. Please be honest with me, as I am seeking clarity and understanding. I understand that the truth may be difficult to hear, but I am prepared to face it and move forward accordingly.

      Lastly, if our relationship is only meant to be temporary, I am curious to know when my partner may leave. While this may be difficult information to receive, I believe that knowing this will help me prepare for the future and approach our relationship with the appropriate perspective.

      Thank you in advance for your insight and guidance. I look forward to hearing your response.

      Best regards,


    • #133459 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Looking at your chart I can say that although there is a strong attraction between the two of you, but in the long run this will not be a very dependable relationship. There will be challenges and if you both work towards those it will be good. At present you are passing through Saturn – Moon period and then will enter the Saturn – Mars and Saturn – Rahu period. All these period are challenging periods in ones life. Doing the Saturn remedies will help.


      Navneet Khanna


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