My son diagnosed autism

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    • #130778 Reply

      My son diagnosed autism at age of 2.We are doing therapies and all but not showing improvements in field of communication.He is asthmatic as well and skin issues.when he will start to talk and relief from his asthma?
      Birth details
      Date:Jan 21,2019
      Place: San Jose,California,USA

    • #130783 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      In the horoscope of your child, Lagan is Aries ruled by Mars and Mars is posited in the 12th house in Revati Nakshatra ruled by Mercury. Also Rahu aspects lagan lord Mars which is not good. Rahu is conjoined with Moon forming the Chander gharan dosha and Ketu close conjunction with Sun forms the surya gharan dosha. He is restarting his period of Shani Dhaiyya on 18th January 2023. Did you know he was born on a day when there was eclipse, lunar eclipse. It is a weak horoscope on the health front. You need to continue with the therapy that you are doing. With God grace it will help.


      Navneet Khanna

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