Name alphabet of my daughter and her horoscope kundli

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    • #1703 Reply

      My daughter was born in delhi at 10.02.2014 10:55 am from which alphabet her name shall start with and also what is kundli.

      Thank you very much


    • #1710 Reply

      Normally we do not cast the horoscope of a baby until she is 12 years old. Possibly it is due to the fact that till then she is under the control of the mother and the baby has to always be dependent on the Mother and any deficiency if any in the horoscope will make the mother unhappy which in turn affects the baby too.

      We will be here when she will be 12 years in 2026 and you can write to us then.

    • #1723 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      Dear Shilpa Ji, Astrologer T.M. Ramachandran is very correct it is prohibited in our shastras to see the horoscope of children under the age of 12 years. I hope you understand that point. However as you want to choose a name based upon her birth Nakshtra then please note that as her Birth Nakshatra is Mrigshira, the name alphabet is Kee.

      God Bless,

      Navneet Khanna

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