I have a small startup I want to grow it further but after lots of efforts I can’t do it.. I face alot of challenges even i am unmarried but when marriage talk occur always the marriage alliances want me to quit my startup.. they also don’t want to support me in this… I am worried about my career as well as marriage.I always come in difficult situation either to choose career or marriage.
You are in the fag end of Rahu Maha-Dasha. Subsequent Maha-Dasha is that of Jupiter/Guru-dev ruling 6th & 9th houses… and placed in the 12th house of Foreign or Distant Land. You can look forward to changes.
As per birth-details and following Vimsottari Dasha system, the Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha starts from April 2026, although you should be able to experience the change a few months in advance.