Need help on my kids health

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    • #137331 Reply
      karana dev

      Hi Astrologers,

      My 2 year 11 months old son is not speaking still he is doing babbling but unable to speak, and his understanding levels are somewhat low. However, he can point to things he wants, and his response to name calls is okay.

      His paediatrician is suspecting it as developmental delays and speech delays. I’m really worried. Please help to answer when will he start speaking?

      DOB: 1/11/2020
      Time: 10:22am
      Place: Vizianagaram

      I would like to request a view on his horoscope for anything concerning and any remedies which we can do for his overall development.


    • #137349 Reply


      I’ve assumed the child was born on 1st November 2o2o. Considering same, along with other details seems to place Udaya Lagna or Ascendent in Dhanur Rashi, with Lagna Lord Jupiter/Guru-dev being placed alongside is a big positive or redeeming factor.

      Moon/Chandra is placed in the 5th house in Mesha/Aries Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Bharani Nakshatra, ruled by Venus/Shukra…who is a nasty Roga-Karaka for the birth-chart. He is placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation in Kanya/Virgo Rashi. So, the child has started his life in the midst of Roga-Karaka Venus/Shukra Maha-Dasha, lasting until August 2028. Sun/Ravi the natural significator or Naisargika Aarogya0-Karaka is also placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation, does not really bode well for health.

      Moon/Chandra being caught between 2 Krura-Graha, creating a strong Papakartari Yoga is not a good sign. Saturn/Shani-dev is strongly placed in his Swasthana and favorite abode of Makara/Capricorn Rashi has probably contributed to delay in speech and the 3rd house of Communication is again caught between Krura-Graha, creating a strong Papakartari Yoga is not a good sign either.

      All said and done, presence of a strong Mars/Kuja in the 4th house of Homely Comforts and being aspected by Saturn/Shani-dev and Ketu and Venus/Shukra, not to mention the Sukshma Parivarthana with Mercury/Budha at Nakshatra level is a matter of concern. More so in the context of what has been stated as understanding levels being low – good thing though is he is able to hear and respond to name calls. I’m also hoping the hand/eye/leg coordination are good.

      Although, the pediatrician might very well be right in his diagnosis with regards to the delay, due to Saturn/Shani-dev’s influence, it might not be a bad idea to get the child assessed/evaluated thoroughly, specially since the current or upcoming transits are not benefic in nature.

      Take care…

      • #137361 Reply

        Hello buddy beta


        Pls reply on mine query

      • #137371 Reply
        karana dev

        Thank you for kind reply.  I am really sorry i have given time of birth wrongly it is 10:22pm not am. and my son’s nakshatra is Kritika. so kindly could you please view on his horoscope for anything concerning and any remedies which we can do for his overall development.


        Many Thanks for your help.

    • #137379 Reply


      Restated birth-time places Udaya Lagna in Cusp/Sandhi at the edge of Gemini/Mithuna Rashi, changing in a littel over 3 minutes. Assuming the time to be accurate (although there is a good chance the time could be later), does place Moon/Chandra in Mesha Rashi and in the Lunar Constellation of Kritika Nakshatra, ruled by Sun/Ravi. So, the little one started his life in the Maha-Dasha of Sun/Ravi, placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation in Libra/Tula Rashi. To make matters worse, he is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Swathi Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu… activating him. More importantly, he is placed close to Mrityu Bhaga and within the fatal Trimsamsa degrees.

      Whatever I called out earlier about Moon/Chandra, with regards to being caught between 2 top-class malefics, creating a strong Papakartari Yoga does not change. In fact, it will make him the 2nd lord of Speech and Sun/Ravi the 3rd lord of communication.

      On the sidelines, Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha being Vakra/Retrograde and in Sukshma Parivarthana at Nakshatra level with a nasty Roga-Karaka Mars/Kuja is not preferred.

      Take care…

      • #137436 Reply
        karana dev

        Thank you for kind reply.  Kindly let me know from which year onwards his speech will improve.

        Thank you.

        • #137441 Reply


          As called out earlier, the pediatrician might very well be right in his diagnosis with regards to the delay, due to prevailing bad time (CoVID-19 and limited social interaction etc.).

          Just so you are aware, the current Maha-Dasha lasts until middle of 2026 and subsequent one of Moon/Chandra along with Sade-Sathi may be trying/challenging.

          The child is still young… and given my understanding, it might not be a bad idea to get the child assessed/evaluated thoroughly, to identify the root cause of the problem from a Physiological perspective. If the same has been done, please share relevant details (hand-eye coordination, coordinated actions, comprehension skills etc.) to validate from an Astrological perspective.

          In the interim, I think it would be beneficial for the child to offer water/Argya to Aditya early in the morning, on a daily basis, hear Aditya Hrudayam and Shriman Vishnu Sahasranama (as many times he likes). It would not hurt if he were to visit Mahadev Shiv’s temple on Mondays.

          Take care…

    • #137381 Reply

      Please help your child to keep writing “Sri Rama” in his note book again and again. This will help strengthen his afflicted Mercury.

    • #137546 Reply
      karana dev

      Hi Sir,

      Thank you for kind reply.

      Sorry for late reply. my child hand-eye coordination, coordinated actions are good. only issue we found is his understanding levels are bit less. doctor is saying because of this reason his speech was late. from past one month onwards he is bit concentrating and observing what others doing. still he is not speaking anything, still babbling sounds only. doctor is saying he will soon start talking.

      Thank you.

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