Partnership, Long Term Relationships

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    • #147949 Reply

      Hello esteemed astrologers and fellow seekers of answers. I have a life long dilemma and I’ve sought help with this issue many times before. Ever since I’ve started dating I’ve had weird relationships. Always felt like an outcast or a last choice. I don’t know if it’s just a bad picker or is something about me flawed that I just can’t see. Any ways I want a definitive answer of will I ever have a solid loving relationship or options in this part of my life? I’m getting older and I’d just like to know. Also I met a guy and we hit it off but he started getting distant and shied away from commitment. I miss him and want to see if we can make things work or is my someone another person in the future. I’ll add my birth details if someone would like to help me. Thanks in advance to anyone who answers.

    • #147955 Reply

      In case I’m offline when I receive a response I’ll add my birthday 10/13/1988, Houston, Tx 5:41 am. The partner I’m curious about long term partnership with or reconciling is 12/27/1989, 12:06 p.m in Lake Charles, LA.

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