Peculiar Question

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    • #108635 Reply


      My Date of Birth is 3 September 1992
      Time 1 30 AM
      Place Chennai.

      I have been wondering about this my whole life.
      Right From my Childhood I have Issues Concentrating , Focusing. It gets better for sometime and then goes down sometimes. I have had trouble Focusing on Studies, Job, Academics. Its not always bad, sometimes i am able to focus and get things done, sometimes I Tend to procrastinate and lose focus a lot.

      Can anyone let me know what is the issue as per my birth chart and how that can be rectified.


    • #108642 Reply

      In English we call it laziness. You tend to procrastinate since you are not serious about your job. You are living in a dream world and you have to come out of it. There will be an incident in the near future which will wake you up from your dreams.

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