Permanent foreign settlement

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    • #45479 Reply


      Female unmarried.
      DOB 15th August 1988 @ 06:30 AM in Mumbai.

      Will I be able to permanently settle abroad??

      I have Rahu in 7th house in lagna chart and undergoing Rahu Mahadasha. Also ascendant Lord Sun is placed in 12th house.

    • #45492 Reply


      Probable period for marriage between aug 2018 to aug 2019.

      rahu , sun and mars are watery /airy signs, lagan lord sun is in 12th house. 12th lord in lagan and lagan itself in rahu ketu axis. These indicate chances for foreign travels.

      But star lord of rahu is Jupiter who is house 9 (fixed sign) taurous. Is also star lord of cusp 12. And sub lord mars.

      But 4th lord mars in house 8 also indicates some difficulties during travels. At same time it also shows on 9and 12th cusps. And lagan lord sun gets connected to 9th cusp.

      Ketu lagan star lord again in fixed sign.

      4th lord mars in watery sign in house 8 . rahu in 7 and airy sign does indicate chances for foreign travels abroad after marriage.
      4th lord mars in mercury star who is fixed sign leo.
      9th cusp star lord mercury and sub lord saturn in fixed fiery signs may indicate travels abroad .

      In d4 chart of residances – lagan has rahu and guru and 4th lord mars in earthy sign along with 10th lord venus. lagan lord sun is 9th house and rahu aspects the same .

      All the above indicate that strong possibility of foreign travel after marriage . or simply deep thoughts for foreign places .
      chances for permanent settlement are not ruled out but mars in 8th house poses difficulties .


      [email protected]

    • #45518 Reply

      IF you were to settle permanently in a foreign country, you would have born in that country. Astrology does not endorse the word foreign since the whole globe is considered as one unit. May be there could be long distance travels in life. Read my article “Definitions in Astrology” on my blog

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