Your lagna is Mesha.
Lagna contains kethu.Average.
Second house contains Kuja.
Fourth house contains Sani.Bad.
Sani seeing lagna is bad
Seventh contains rahu.
Ninth house contains Mercury and Sukra.
10th contains Sun –good
12th house contains Guru and moon.average.
Now ,you are running sukra maha dasa.
It is good.
You are running Sukra Antar dasa upto 30-9-2018.
Sun antar dasha runs upto 30-9-2019,
You can move to India from now to 30-9-2019,
So,you can move at any time in the next 18months.
As Sani is seeing Sun,it is better if you can move
before 30-9-2018.
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