The detailed Ashtkoot Guna Milan Score is given below.
Koot ___ Score you get ____ Maximum Score
Varna ___ 1 ____ 1
Vashya ___ 0 ____ 2
Tara ___ 3 ____ 3
Yoni ___ 3 ____ 4
Grahamaitri ___ 5 ____ 5
Gana ___ 0 ____ 6 (Gana Dosha)
Bhakoot ___ 0 ____ 7 (5 -9 Bhakut Dosha)
Nadi ___ 8 ____ 8
As you can the total Ashtkoot Guna milan score is 20 out of 36 which is little over 18 that is considered for marriage. One of the conditions for cancellation of bhakut dosha is good grahamaitri and no gana dosha. In your horoscope although the Grahamaitri score is good as you get 5 on 5, there is Gana dosha.
Grah milan or Grah matching is very important part of horoscope matching and should be considered with Guna milan before you reach any final conclusion.
Navneet Khanna