Pls help.

  • This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 months ago by Buddy.
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    • #133331 Reply

      Hi Navneet Sir

      My son is only 6 yrs old but due to development delay , he has extreme levels of frustration and irritation which is really becoming a big hurdle for me to raise him. I am really getting suicidal thoughts thinking about our future. He communicates verbally but doesn’t have pragmatic conversation skills. He learns academics quickly. But impatience n irritation are the two qualities which are causing problem in every aspect. I am so depressed and feel like giving up my life.

      Can I see him improving in all aspects like behaviours and communication, education etc. In growing years. Pls advice.

      15- Jan- 2017

      05:48 AM

      Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh


      Thank you ,


    • #133337 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      He will be fine, just relax. His impatience is because of Moon and Rahu conjunction. You should so the following remedies.

      1. Take him with you to Hanuman Temple every Saturdays

      2. Make him wear Pearl in silver in pendant.


      Navneet Khanna


    • #133369 Reply


      A quick observation of the birth-chart shows Udaya Lagna to be placed in Dhanur Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Purvashada Nakshatra. Mercury/Budha is placed alongside and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Moola/Mula Nakshatra. Mano-Karaka Moon/Chandra is placed in the 9th house of Simha Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Magha Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu and hence the child has started his life in a trying/testing Ketu Maha-Dasha. Moon/Chandra is in close conjunction with Rahu, activating him.

      On the sidelines, both Ketu and Venus/Shukra are placed in the 3rd house (Kumbha Rashi) and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Satabisha Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu. Mars/Kuja the (5th &) 12th lord is lurking around.

      Now, it’s been a while since the child has started his Venus/Shukra Maha-Dasha. For the records, Venus/Shukra happens to be a nasty Roga-Karaka. So, in my understanding, the same set of Grahas/Planets (from previous Maha-Dasha) seem to be active, making me wonder how and what might bring in the much needed relief.

      Kindly share birth details of the parents to help understand shared Karma.


    • #133370 Reply


      Just so you are aware, Lagna Lord Jupiter/Guru-dev is placed in the 10th house and 10th lord Mercury/Budha is placed in the alongside Udaya Lagna. So, there is Rashi Parivarthana. It would perhaps call for validation of Kendradipathya Dosha.

      In any case, please consult with knowledgeable and experienced folk for propitiating the Lunar Nodes (more specifically Rahu). It might not be a bad idea to try calming the child by making him hear Shriman Vishnu Sahasranama (whenever possible).

      Take care…

    • #133430 Reply

      Hi Buddy

      Parents birth details are

      Father -9-Jan -1984,05.45AM, Amalapuram,Andhra pradesh

      Mother  -11-Jan-1988,09.34AM, Kakinada,Andhra Pradesh




    • #133456 Reply

      His Venus Mahadasa has just started in 2022 and he will do well in the coming years. His Venus is quite powerful and he will start doing well once the Moon antardasa starts in April 2026 and from then on he will be a normal boy. He has a strong career house and a happy married life too.

    • #133462 Reply

      Namaste TMR Sir,

      Thank you for your time and reply.

      It gave immense hope to me.



    • #133606 Reply

      Hi buddy ,


      I have shared our details as asked by you.

      Father : 9-jan-1984,05:45 AM, Amalapuram, Andhra Pradesh mother : 11- Jan -1988 , kakinada, Andhra Pradesh please let us know from our horoscopes if our child will be independent and live a normal regular life like all once he grows up. He is around 1.5 years delayed communication wise as per the therapists. Also we are spending huge amount on his therapies and shadow teacher. Pls tell by when will these expenses come down.


      Thank you,


    • #133607 Reply

      Mother birth time is 9:34 AM. Missed in previous post

    • #134224 Reply

      Hi Buddy,


      As asked by you, I have given the birth details of parents.

      Pls have a look at it and tell how will our son s future be. By when can he overcome his challenges like communication delay, attention deficit etc . How will his life be when he grows up. Pls 🙏


      Thank you

    • #134260 Reply


      You are in the midst of Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha. Although he seems to be well placed, the Atmakaraka of the birth-chart has some inherent weakness. Further, Moon/Chandra (signifying your mind) is ill-placed in the 8th house of Randra-sthana… probably making you overtly worry about things and lose peace of mind. Please try to realize most of the problems that you think are problems in your mind. Try to calm your mind and not let it wonder.

      Your husband is in the midst of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra. So, the need of the hour is to be patient.

      Take care…

    • #134261 Reply


      Unless I’m terribly mistaken, I’ve provided this feedback to you previously.

      Take care…

    • #134262 Reply

      Hi buddy,


      Yea sir , you have seen mine but wanted to know though the progress is slow now, will my child overcome these challenges in future and by when will our good times start . May be from mine and my husband’s chart, if u can predict, when in future the time looks good. Till when are these challenging times.


      Thanks again

    • #134285 Reply


      If I can take the liberty, I’d suggest that you look at the positive side of the situation and enjoy the present.

      Take care…

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