Property guidance required

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    • #135015 Reply

      Respected Rao Sir,

      My husbands father passed away suddenly in 12th feb 2018. He verbally confirmed current house to my husband in presence of him, his mother and myself. He informed this decision after asking his sister at that time. This was some were in july17 when our house renovations were on. we renovated house by investing large amount. During covid a childish dispute between son mother happened and she took on her ego, and started stating in flat near to our place.
      Now my mother-in law via husbands sister wants to sell the property. We do not have other house and husband is struggling to get the job for long time. My birth date is 15/09/1975 solapur 6.35am and my husbands details are 01/03/1972 pune 1.12pm. His mothers birth date is 02/07/1950.

      His mother is not listening to any solution proposed. I regret getting married to this house and family. Its all unstable now.
      Do you see better future, new house, legal dispute or divorce situation due to any stress.

      help me Sir.

    • #135018 Reply


      Both you and your husband are in the midst of Jupiter/Guru-dev’s Maha-Dasha. Incidentally, in both cases Jupiter/Guru-dev rules 2 Kendra houses and is placed in the 7th house of  Kalathra-Sthana, calling for validation of Kendradipathya Dosha.

      Please consider seeking help and guidance from knowledgeable/experienced folk for suitable Vedic/Dharmic remedies, to address the situation.

      On the sidelines, you also have a very strong Lagna Lord Mercury/Budha, placed in his Swasthana and Moola-Trikona of Kanya Rashi. But then, he is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Chitta Nakshatra, ruled by Mars/Kuja… making me think that there is potential misuse of inherent/strong intelligence. If true, you would do well to put that intelligence to good use… for your own well-being.

      Take care…

    • #135019 Reply


      Please rest assured, I’m not judging you… just making an effort to understand the influence of Grahas/Plantes in your birth-chart. Anyways, please feel free to ignore anything that is not to your taste or liking.

      Take care…

    • #135024 Reply


      On the sidelines, your husband has probably gotten a bit spiritual, a bit detached in worldly ways and relationships – Venus/Shukra is way too close to deep Gandanta degrees.

      Personally, I don’t like Sun/Ravi being placed in the 9th house and being posited in the Lunar Constellation of Satabisha Nakshatra. To make matters worse, Rahu who co-lords the 9th house is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Uttarashada Nakshatra, ruled by Sun/Ravi. So, they are in sukshma parivarthana, at the Nakshtra level.  In case you meet qualified experts, kindly also check validate of Pitru Dosha in his birth-chart.

      In your birth-chart, Jupiter/Guru is Vakra or Retrograde. He is way too close to deep Gandanta degrees. Venus/Shukra is also Vakra or Retrograde. He is barely away from Gandanta degrees…and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Magha Nakshtra. So, it looks like you also have very little feelings for him.

      Take care…

    • #135027 Reply

      Thank you. My husband has not turned to spiritual side.

      TMR sir has provided his guidance on another view therefore would like yo seek his view on how to tackle this situation to our benefit.

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