- This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 months, 2 weeks ago by
GuestHi sir
What is actually punarbhu dosha? I have read in internet but there are different views on it.
Is there any cancellation of dosha if saturn and moon both are in sun’s nakshatra uttarashada ?
ModeratorGeneralised axioms are not always easy to understand. Give your birth details if you expect a proper answer to your question.
GuestHi sir,
Birth Details:2-11-1992
4:00 pm
Pob: TiruchyThanks.
This is a old query – not sure if the querant would be interested in my understanding/views.
Anyways, I definitely consider this particular placement/conjunction and qualify it to be what some folk call out as Punarboo, also spelt Punarbhu dosha. This is created by an association of the Moon/Chandra with Saturn/Shani-dev, either by conjunction or aspect… and more common amongst the proponents of KP Astrology. Although there are some folk who call out the need for an association with 7th house/lord, I give prominence to the effect of the slow moving Saturn/Shani-dev over a fast moving Moon/Chandra.
In case of the original poster/querant, Moon/Chandra are very closely conjunct in the Zodiac sign of Capricorn or Makara Rashi and are posited in the Lunar Constellation of Shravana Nakshatra, ruled by Moon/Chandra. For the records, Moon/Chandra happens to be the 7th lord from Chandra Lagna or himself (which is frequently used by many prominent Astrologers). Aspect of Lagna Lord Jupiter/Guru could of small help (give that he is below par Vimsopaka Bala)… but then, aspect of Ketu and Mars/Kuja also needs to be taken into consideration. Further, 7th lord Mercury/Budha being placed very close to Mrityu Bhaga is most definitely helping the native.
Take care…
This is a old query – not sure if the querant would be interested in my understanding/views.
Anyways, I definitely consider this particular placement/conjunction and qualify it to be what some folk call out as Punarboo, also spelt Punarbhu dosha. This is created by an association of the Moon/Chandra with Saturn/Shani-dev, either by conjunction or aspect… and more common amongst the proponents of KP Astrology. Although there are some folk who call out the need for an association with 7th house/lord, I give prominence to the effect of the slow moving Saturn/Shani-dev over a fast moving Moon/Chandra.
In case of the original poster/querant, Moon/Chandra are very closely conjunct in the Zodiac sign of Capricorn or Makara Rashi and are posited in the Lunar Constellation of Shravana Nakshatra, ruled by Moon/Chandra. For the records, Moon/Chandra happens to be the 7th lord from Chandra Lagna or himself (which is frequently used by many prominent Astrologers). Aspect of Lagna Lord Jupiter/Guru could of small help (give that he is below par Vimsopaka Bala)… but then, aspect of Ketu and Mars/Kuja also needs to be taken into consideration. Further, 7th lord Mercury/Budha being placed very close to Mrityu Bhaga is most definitely not helping the native.
Take care…
ModeratorYou do not have any doshas in your horoscope. There is no Punarbhu dosha in Astrology.
GuestOk sir. If there is no dosha iam really happy.
But many astrologers said that, that is the issue creating obstacles in delaying fixing marriage even though i don’t have any doshas.
This is where i myself referred in net and became afraid as saturn and moon was in nearly same degrees in my birth chart.
Please just have a view.
Is this you referring, such kind of doshas dont exist in astrology? -
ModeratorKP Astrology mentions about a yoga Punarphoo which is caused due to the conjunction of Moon and Saturn which should have a connection with the 7th which is not there in your horoscope. Vedic Astrology does not endorse this. However your 7th house is a bit afflicted because Jupiter in 7th house is a malefic in your horoscope. You can definitely expect to get married by mid 2022. Have a look at the strengths and nature of all planets.
Planet Nature Net effect
Sun Malefic 88.93
Moon Benefic 89.89
Mars Malefic 7.16
Mercury Benefic 55.08
Jupiter Malefic 65.17
Venus Malefic 53.26
Saturn Benefic 86.48
Rahu Malefic 6.00
Kethu Malefic 7.12Net Malefic 51.86
GuestOk sir. Thank u.
Guest- Sir do i have purnabhu dosha my date birth is 06 july 1990 time 2.15 pm.. Hyderabad
In my humble opinion, Saturn/Shani-dev and Moon/Chandra are loosely conjunct in the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius or Dhanur Rashi. As called out earlier, I give prominence to the effect of the slow moving Saturn/Shani-dev over a fast moving celestial Moon/Chandra.
Further, the hot headed Mars/Kuja being strongly placed in the 7th house of Kalathra-Sthana or house of Hearts, is not a good sign for relationships and marriage sustainability related topics.
On the sidelines, below par Vimsopaka Bala in Dasha Varga for Sun/Ravi, Moon/Chandra and Ketu will be a cause for concern – not to mention the fact that you are susceptible to Evil Eye. For the records, you are in the midst of Moon/Chandra Maha-Dasha and it would make sense for you to be a bit cautious of your health.
Take care…