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    • #160010 Reply

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Details: 16.08.2000, 6:29 pm, Chennai, female.</p>
      Someone came into my life 1.5 years back and perused me. I also fell in love for the first time. He was from a different religion. After few months he decided to end and I don’t know what I could have done wrong. I genuinely cared and loved him with all I can. Now I feel heartbroken and cannot find happiness.

      Will I ever move on from this heartbreak and find happiness or is it better for me to be alone always since I can’t go through such a pain again. I would be very grateful for anyone giving me insight on my love life.

    • #160011 Reply

      Your chart does not support love marriage. Further Venus in the 7th house of marriage constitutes to a phenomenon called ‘Karako Bhava Nashaaya’. – A karaka (Venus, significator of marriage, in this case) sitting in the Bhava relating to the marriage i.e. 7th Bhava in this case, causes the destruction of the Bhava.

      Other houses of your chart also indicate low happiness in marriage for you.

    • #160014 Reply

      thank you sir

    • #160037 Reply


      Birth-details shared in the query seems to place Ascendent or Udaya Lagna in Sandhi/Cusp – caught in transition at the edge of Aquarius or Kumbha Rashi, ruled co-ruled by Rahu and Saturn/Shani-dev (having crossed over ~3 minutes earlier). It is posited in the Lunar Constellation of Dhanista Nakshatra, ruled by Mars/Kuja. It would make sense to check/validate accuracy of birth-details by way of birth time evaluation (BTE)/rectification (BTR)… instead of speculating.

      Current Maha-Dasha/Antara is that of Saturn/Shani-dev, well placed in a friendly house in the Zodiac sign of Taurs or Vrishaba Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Kritika Nakshatra, ruled by Sun/Ravi. Saturn/Shani-dev’s depositor Venus/Shukra has below par Vimsopaka Bala is not a good sign.

      In my humble opinion, the 7th house of Spousal Relationship is a bit of a mess – Ascendent or Udaya Lagna placement does not matter much. On the sidelines, the conjunction of Saturn/Shani-dev and Jupiter/Guru-dev is an indication of atrocities against innocent and noble creatures in the past life, that can manifest as problems in the current life. So, please consider seeking help/guidance from experienced and knowledgeable experts for suitable Vedic/Dharmic remedies.

      Thereafter, I’d like to draw your attention to the placement of Moon/Chandra in the Zodiac sign of Aquarius or Kumbha Rashi and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Satabisha Nakshatra, ruled by Rahu. So, you are in the midst of Sade-Sathi or Saturn/Shani-dev’s transit across natal placement of Moon/Chandra… which is probably giving you a bit of nuwanted stress, tension, depressive feelings etc. That apart, Moon/Chandra not having much support on either side has made your mind oscillate, imagine things and wander. You also seem to be bothered by unknown/unqualified fear, anxiety etc. This has contributed to you being a bit of loner, with very few friends and limited social life.

      Kindly consider chanting simple mantras to appease Saturn/Shani-dev and practice Yogasana, Pranayama and Meditation to strengthen Moon/Chandra.

      Take care…

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